The Poodle comes in 3 sizes, Standard, Miniature and Toy and are all the same breed. It also comes in 10 colors that are standard to the AKC. Four are on this Sock, Brown, Black, Grey and White. The Poodle was recognized by the AKC in 1887 and is #7 on the Most Popular Breed List. Many people like the Poodle breed for its Hypoallergenic Coat so that they may own a dog that does not work against their allergies. Besides this the Poodle is intelligent and loves to do things with its owner. The Miniature loves to do tricks and swim.
Wheel House Design 4 Poodles Socks starts on a Grey background with Black Diamonds all over. Under the Cuff on both sides reads, "Poodle" in Black Bold Print. The Portraits of the Poodle are both in Brown Color with Chestnut Detail and Fawn highlights. Next Poodles in Poses are Black with Medium Grey for Detail, White for Detail at the Tail and a Rose colored Tongue. The Grey Poodles are next one cut and the other left natural, they have Black and White Detail. The Last Poodle by the Toes is White and is Sitting using Light Grey for Detail and Black for Face as well as Rose for its Tongue.
Size Medium
Adult Shoe 6-8 1/2 Sock Size 9-11
Size Large
Adult Shoe 9-12 Sock Size 10-13
Wheel House Designs 4 Poodles Novelty Sock comes in two sizes, Medium and Large. This allows for an Extended Size Sock for Women who may need it and for Men to have their own 4 Poodles Dog Socks. This Sock is a Thin Style.
Made in USA
75% Cotton
20% Nylon
05% Spandex
Washing Instructions:
Machine Wash, warm water,
Dry at low to medium setting.